Turn yourself into a Pokemon using our AI!

AGS is always at the cutting edge of technology. We have released a new stable-diffusion AI for free use by the public. Upload any photo you like and we will generate you as a Pokemon!

  • Prompt Words: Describe your Pokemon. Instead of using the direct name of a Pokemon, try to describe it (e.g. Charizard -> a red dragon).

  • Negative Prompt: Words that DO NOT describe your Pokemon. If you want your Pokemon to not be green or cute for example, write “green cute.”

  • Strength: The higher this value is, the less like the photo it will look. Sweet spot is usually between 0.4 and 0.6 if you want it to match your photo.

  • Seed: This is a style randomizer. If you like where your strength is at and your prompts, play with this value for a different style of Pokemon.